Tuition and fees

Students pay tuition and fees to attend the university. These costs typically make up over two-thirds of the instructional budget. The formal name of this instructional budget is the Educational and General (E&G) Programs Budget.

Tuition and fees help cover the costs of many aspects of life at Virginia Commonwealth University that directly affect the success of students: paying professors, providing student support services, maintaining buildings, ensuring safety and security, and much more.

All students pay mandatory fees and may also pay housing, dining and parking fees, in addition to program and course fees.

Tuition for academic year 2024-25

Undergraduate tuition

The tuition rate represents a 2.7% increase for both in-state and out-of-state undergraduates. Tuition amount is based on per-credit charges for 15 credits for both fall and spring semesters. This does not include mandatory and program fees.

  • In-state undergraduate tuition: $13,200
  • Out-of-state undergraduate tuition: $35,674

Graduate and first-professional tuition

The tuition rates for master's, doctoral and first-professional programs are outlined in the 2024-25 comprehensive budget plan.

Comprehensive budget plan (2024-25)